[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/3impact/WA_110718_Interview_with_Brad_First_Edit.mp3″ title=”Episode 84: Don’t Do THIS: Huge Mistake That Made Me Fire 6 Employees” social=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_email=”true”]

Audio Masterclass Show Notes:
The #1 trait that makes great copywriters [7:00]
Brad’s latest breakthrough epiphany to creating $1M copy [11:20]
The thing that always works and ALWAYS sells [22:30]
Millions of YouTube views… 100,000+ fans… Massive name in the industry… Gone.
CNN used to quote me in their relationship advice articles…
But then I had to drop the name Brad Branson… and become Wade Alters.
Re-build the brand… get my fans back… crush it again… That’s all I was thinking about.
I re-launched and I hired 6 virtual assistants.
… But I was wayyy too quick trying to grow the business without realizing my strategy was flawed.
THEN I tried to do all the work myself … and I nearly went blind doing it (looking at damn screens all day…)
I had to reset.
But my strategy this time around has been so much better. Seeing insane growth already.
The biggest difference?
Rockstar Personal Brand and using ‘Inception’ Advertising (with hyper-targeted copywriting).
DEEP understanding of your customer…
The problems that keeps them up at night…
How they think about their problems…
Will help your message will stand out in a sea of noise.
Here’s what happens when you have solid copywriting:
- Your audience look at you like a Guru.
- They hang onto your word like a gospel.
- They share you with their friends and people who face the same struggles.
The best part about all of this?
I have one of the best copywriters in the world on this week’s podcast! (plus myself… dream team!)
Usually you can’t even gain access to people like him.
He’s launched multi-million dollar campaigns, managed email lists with a million subscribers… and with this week’s episode, you’ll get some golden-nuggets that will immediately help you make a better offer, increase email open-rates and build loyal fans.
And it’s a lot easier than you might think!
So as always,
– Wade
These are some of the skills that I wish someone told me about when I was younger…
That can help make a mediocre business into a thriving one.
Just by the way you present your business to your customer.
Click HERE to check out what I’m talking about in this week’s podcast!