I’m going to keep banging the “subconscious mind” drum until the end of time.
Learning to train, listen to and unleash the power of the subconscious or “other than conscious” mind as my old mentors Dr.Dave Dobson and Barbara Stepp call it, is one of the mast important step in any path to mastery and success.
In today’s podcast you’ll learn how guys like Tai Lopez, Tony Robbins, and Richard Branson all harnessed their “E-Instinct” to grab onto an idea and leapfrog their competition.
[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Turning Ideas into Cash With Your Subconscious Mind” social=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_email=”true”]
P.S We’ve got some big things coming over next few months…’s been a while since the last launch of The Baseline and we’re gearing up for Version 2.0 so stay tuned for more info over the next few weeks and As Always
WHOA, love these podcasts man, all the subconscious mind knowledge has really impacted my life hard! Working and producing better than I ever have in my life before! If you’re open to suggestions I know I’d enjoy other podcasters like Tim Ferris, Lewis Howes etc in the future!
If you want a local Chicago entrepreneur, there’s Paul Kopecky, awesome guy, great passion!
Or a not so out there kinda entrepreneur, Jeff Yager! <- He's a badass!
And if you're down for topic suggestions I recently thought a podcast on the journey through to becoming an Alpha, the best version of you type deal. Or maybe one about going through transition periods in life, cranking everything up to another level!
Thanks again Wade! Loving it!