[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/3impact/WA_061319_leverage_First_Edit.mp3″ title=”Episode 109: Get The Best Results With The Least Amount of Work” social=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_email=”true”]

You’re not going to make millions just working hard.
And the same is true for working smart.
I know janitors who work 12-hour shifts and they’re still financially stuck and struggling.
And people get too attached to degrees and qualifications and stay stuck in those boxes.
Comfortable with salaries and living miserable routines.
It’s “all they know” and they’re stuck with expenses they’ve accrued (mortgage, car payments, insurance, family, etc.)
The goal should always be to get the most while doing the least amount of work!
Whether that’s in your career and choosing a company that will give you the best benefits for the same type of work you’d be doing anywhere else.
Or charging clients for work on “value-created” vs. an hourly rate.
(Ex: I charge copywriting clients $25,000/project instead of $500/hour)
The best way to create leverage is from creating perceived value.
Amplifying the position you’re coming from.
And delivering the result the other person wants to see from you.
Having them believe that you’re the answer to their problems.
That you are the best option.
So how do you do that?
Check out this week’s podcast to see how to use Perceived Value to your advantage!
The power of leverage and getting the MOST for the least.
And as always…
– Wade
Sales Seduction is a way Personal Brand are leveraging their Content & Creativity to monetize their brand.
If you’re interested in learning how to build your own Profitable Personal Brand, we have a FREE training showing you how I built mine & profited over $221K selling “hybrid” courses in the past 18 months.