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My Message to Millennials : Harden the F**k Up

This week I’ve got something a little different for you and if you’re a millennial…

It’s something you need to hear……

The complaining has to stop!!!!….Maybe I just haven’t been paying attention, but it seems like everywhere I look, I’m confronted with the reality that millennials need to harden the fuck up.

Watch today’s video below for “My Message to Millennials”:

The fact is there are some harsh realities that if you don’t already understand….you better catch up…because if you don’t HARDEN THE FUCK UP…things are going to get ugly FAST.

This weeks video is a bit of a rant, but it’s a video that needed to be made…I’ve already got some great feedback so far so click here to check it out now.

Aaaaand……As Always


Wade Alters

Founder and Lead Trainer of Wade Alters Consulting

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Austin

    Hooyah hahah!

    I love it when people in my generation bitch and moan about how unfair life is.

    Just means there is less competition for me 🙂

    Solid message Wade, just found your stuff because I noticed that you are going on the Knowledge for Men show (the podcast I started working for when I was 17) in a couple of weeks.

    Can’t wait to hear the interview.

    Keep on inspiring and giving it to us millennials like it is.

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