BOOOOOM! It’s Thursday and we’ve got a new podcast!
This episode was interesting to talk about because Focus has been something I’ve had to work on A LOT.
Working all day every day to get The Baseline ready….it’s been constantly on my mind to stay focused on the goal at hand and not have my attention pulled in every which direction for running the business.
In today’s podcast, I stress the importance of that one pointed Focus, tell you a bit more about who what where when & why, check it out:
[smart_track_player url=”″ title=” Episode 10: Focus- Digging in Deep and Being Monomaniacal” social=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_email=”true” ]
I feel like I’m hitting a nice stride here with these talks….. Like I said I’m super FOCUSED on The Baseline product launch so gear up for all that.
By the way, if you want to get more knowledge and content to help you in ALL aspects of your development and not only in being focused, click this link to find out more info about how you can grow even more: Click Here to See What’s Good About Joining!
Shit yeah, I’ve just seen so much cool crazy shit flying around lately. AI, bots, nanoengineering, IoT, never ends!
But then, I look at my business and see that there’s one product that really is doing well, then decided to focus in on it quite a lot more. Feeling better about that. Have a few other projects, but they’re secondary, free time, type things.